Our 2-in-1 Balance Bike and Trike will grow with your child. Simply switch from 3-wheel Tricycle to a 2-wheel balance bike in minutes.
Begin their journey on learning to ride with our Scout 2-in-1 Balance Bike. Start off with the Trike and then as their confidence starts to grow, turn into two wheels.
The Balance Benefits
Kick start their journey on learning to ride. Our Scout teaches your little one to use their arms, lift their legs and continue to move forward. Increasing their strength, mobility, motor and coordination skills.
For their little hands
Our Scout caters for soft little hands with groove handles to protect their super smooth and soft precious hands.
Lightweight & Durable
Made with birch plywood, Scout’s lightweight frame allows for easy transport for you and your little one.
Complete Comfort
As they grow taller so does your balance bike, simply adjust the comfortable seat to suit their height for a smooth ride. Providing ultimate comfort for their riding be riding for hours!
Technical Specifications
General Structure
- 2-in-1 Balance Bike & Trike
- Easy transition from 3 wheel to 2 wheel
- Made with Sturdy Birch Plywood
- EVA Padded Seat Cover
- Rubber Tyres, 12 inch diameter
- Soft Rubber Hand grips
- Max User weight: 30kg
- Assembled Trike Dimension: 94x45x54cm (LxWxH)
- Net Weight: 4.7kg
- Seat height: 33cm/39cm (Min/Max)